Tower of Babel
Genesis 9:18-28,10:1,11:1-9

Abram Saves Lot
Genesis 14:8-24

Lord’s Covenant – Land
Genesis 15:1-20

Abram, Sarai & Hagar
Genesis 16:1-16

God’s Covenant – Circumcision
Genesis 17:1-27

3 Visitors
Genesis 18:1-16

Sodom & Gomorrah
Genesis 18:17-19:29

Abraham, Sarah & Abimilech
Genesis 20:1-18

Isaac Born … Ishmael Away
Genesis 21:1-19

Brothers Betray Joseph
Genesis 37:1-35, Gen 39:1

Joseph Resists Temptation
Genesis 39:1-23

Red Sea
Exodus 13:17-22; 14:1-31

God Provides for People
Exodus 15:22-27; 16:1-36

Golden Calf
Exodus 24:12-18; 32:1-35

Miriam & Aaron Criticize Moses
Numbers 12:1-16

Moses Sends 12 Spies
Numbers 13:1-33; 14:1-45

Joshua 6:1-27, 7:1

Ai & Sin in Camp
Joshua 7:2-24; 8:1-29

Judges 6:33-7:25

1 Samuel 1:1-28; 2:1-25; 3:1-20

Samuel anoints David King
1 Samuel 16:1-13

David vs. Goliath
1 Samuel 17:1-58

Elisha & Angelic Army
2 Kings 6:8-23

Tall Gold Statue
Daniel 3

Daniel and the Lions
Daniel 6

Temptation of Jesus
Matthew 4:1-11

Jesus Cleanses Temple
John 2:13-21

Great Catch of Fish
Luke 5:1-11

Roman Centurion
Matthew 8:5-13

Jewish Traditions
Matthew 15:1-12, 15-20

Peter Walk on Water
Matthew 14:22-33

Jesus Heals Son with Deaf Spirit
Mark 9:14-29

If Brother sins
Matthew 18:15-17

Woman Caught in Adultery
John 8:2-11

Jesus Heals Blind Man
John 9:1-41

Jesus Send 2 by 2
Luke 10:1-20

Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37

Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Son
Luke 15:1-32

Lazarus Death & Resurrection
John 11:1-53

Matthew 19:3-9

Luke 19:1-10

Vine & Branches
John 15:1-8

Jesus Pray Garden
Mathew 26:36-39;
Luke 22:43-44, Matthew 26:40-46

Emmaus Road
Luke 24:13-35

Jesus Appear Disciples
John 20:19-29

The Deaf need the Word of God in their heart language too!


Many people think that because Deaf people can read, they are able to understand the Word of God just by reading. But did you know that they often have difficulty understanding written symbols and letters?


Yes, the Deaf have their own language too, and that is Sign Language. Unfortunately, most Deaf people need to rely on pastors to explain God’s Word to them because of the lack of Scripture materials in Filipino Sign Language (FSL). They do not often get the chance to engage with the Scriptures firsthand because of the language barrier. Therefore, making the Bible available in FSL is crucial.


The Philippine Bible Society has produced 45 Filipino Sign Language (FSL) Stories that teach the Deaf how to follow God, released in 2023. The work of translating the New Testament into FSL is also ongoing, with the translation set to be completed by 2027. These are all good news for our Deaf brothers and sisters in Christ, but there’s a lot more to be done. You can help us achieve these FSL translation goals.


Please pray for the FSL Bible translation team, composed of both native and heritage FSL users, as they work to bring the Bible closer to the Filipino Deaf community. You can also support the work by visiting our How To Get Involved page.

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